
After having chat with nishtha ma'am..
*What actually depression is?

Depression is a emotional hormonal imbalance that occurs in the brain.
Its a 'phase' in which the sad hormones increase than the happy hormones in the brain.
*when we suffer from cold or fever we visit doctor for the treatment and medication, similarly for depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses we need specialists and medication.
Not seeking help is only worsening the situation and harming yourself.

*Depression nowadays can we termed as a world wide mental health problem. More than 300 million(approx) people are suffering from depression. And still it stays a taboo topic.

WHY? Because we are brought up in a society where we are not taught how do we have to deal with our emotions. Especially dealing with those sad and depressing thoughts and phases,  we are never told or taught how to react and how to go through them.

Example: when a child scores good grades we often encourage and praise him. Whereas the child who doesn't score good is compared with other's, bitten, scolded or sent to tutions. We never ask the child why did this happen, what was affecting him/her, how is he feeling.

Similarly, we people have only celebrated good and happy feelings and this has suppressed the sad feelings and thus we don't know how to deal with them.
~People with depression don't share their feelings even when they need help due to this reason only because they don't want a spotlight on them and they don't want to gain other's attention.

"Log kya kahenge"  the main reason behind depression being worldwide problem yet unseen and untalked.
Earlier only a few people where diagnosed with depression but now every third person may have gone through this or is going through. But yet people don't seek help because we have been taught to live with our emotions. 
This is the main cause which needs to be addressed at a very early stage.

*This topics related to mental health and emotions must be added in school/college syllabus because that is one common platform where mass population can be taught.
We cannot change mentality of adults but we can shape and teach our children's and youths the right things.
The early the better.

Depression is a problem which can only be diagnosed and treated when you break the stigma, speak up and seek help.

And even before speaking up we need to accept the change and accept it that "yes this has happened to me".
Then instead of thinking why and how did it happen we must focus on how to cure it.
One must always remember 'It's very OK TO BE NOT OK sometimes.'

We all face sadness and be upset sometimes, but for some it may be for long period and they may face difficulty in their daily routine, this is what actually depression is.

Depression is not a disability/disease/disorder its just an episode of life. With right treatment at right time it will go away.

"Stigma attached to mental ailments is the main reason why the society is struggling to address the problem, and the day we manage to tide over it together and bring awareness, we will win this battle"

"There is no health without mental health"
~Katja Dombrowski